Explore the 60 shortlisted entries, highlighting Europe's most amazing organisations, individuals, projects and programs in Entrepreneurship and Engagement
From enterprising roots to a globally connected forest of ideas.
Transforming ideas into high-impact startups since 1992
EHL’s Innovative Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: Breeding the Hospitality Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow
Transforming innovative ideas into viable, successful and sustainable projects!
Fostering a knowledge-based and high-impact innovation ecosystem.
Vision 100% accomplished: Entrepreneurship for every single student!
We contribute to society as an engaged and entrepreneurial university!
Acts “glocal” through leadership and excellence in educaƟon and research
A new kind of partnership: co-designed, co-delivered, co-assessed and co-evaluated.
I think I can, I think I can, I know I can, I know I can: Building self-efficacy in engineering
The Best of Both Worlds - German Invention and Silicon Valley Mindset
Tell me, and I will listen; Teach me, and I’ll remember; Involve me, and I will learn.
Supporting the development of Ecosystems of Innovation around the World
MELHE (Multifaceted Entrepreneurial Leadership in Higher Education)
Empowering student social entrepreneurs and investors from diverse backgrounds.
Making the Schumpeter country an entrepreneurial society again
Developing the Enterprising, Entrepreneurial and Innovative character of our students
Educate to Innovate Growing and Sustaining Agri- Food Entrepreneurship
EUREKA!. An entrepreneurial methodology for product innovation.
Flourish – Nurturing Community, Wellbeing, Creativity & Leadership in Education
Various levels
Leading in learning innovation: from dream to demo to impact
The connecting space between university talent and the entrepreneurial ecosystem
Better together: The benefits of co-creating in an innovative and collaborative space.
Various levels
Transforming research and ideas into thriving business through world-leading support
Driving performance, growth and innovation in established SMEs
Embedding entrepreneurship in the DNA of the new Generation.
Creating better futures for all
Various levels
An MBA for job creators, not for job seekers.
Entrepreneurship 2D – innovating through the properties and potential of graphene
Empowering students to develop solutions to real life healthcare problems.
A Thematic Approach to Address Complex Societal Problems: A-Win-Win-Win Situation!
University of Bradford and SAS – SAS STEP programme UK and Ireland
Northern-Southern students acting together for a sustainable and fair world.
Applied industrial engineering for increased local employability
Empowering communities through lifelong learning
Co-creating the Future in Quadruple Helix Innovation Systems: A Community College for All
Building Future Engineers: Not Just the Structures They Create.
The Triple E Awards are a global recognition of efforts toward the quest for entrepreneurship and engagement in higher education. It is the first award to focus specifically on different dimensions of the universities' third mission. Implemented regionally, the Triple E Awards aim to foster change in universities and to emphasize their role in their communities and ecosystems.